Changes in Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rates for 12 Conditions, 2007 to 2016

  1. Diabetes long-term complications: 12.5% relative decrease
  2. Uncontrolled diabetes: 37.0% relative decrease
  3. Hypertension: 20.3% relative decrease
  4. Heart failure: 22.7% relative decrease
  5. Asthma in younger adults: 28.7% relative decrease
  6. Pneumonia: 38.6% relative decrease
  7. Perforated appendix: 21.8% relative decrease
  8. Diabetes short-term complications: 46.9% relative increase
  9. Lower-extremity amputations: 15.1% relative increase
  10. Asthma and COPD in older adults: nonsignificant decrease
  11. UTI: nonsignificant decrease
  12. Dehydration: nonsignificant increase
Notes: From an article entitled, "Trends in quality of primary care in the United States, 2007–2016," by Anshul Saxena, Venkataraghavan Ramamoorthy, Muni Rubens, Peter McGranaghan, Emir Veledar and Khurram Nasir. This retrospective trend analysis of the National Inpatient Sample (NIS) data collected during the period 2007–2016 assessed the quality of primary care using sets of preventable hospitalization conditions defined as Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs). PQI hospitalization decreased from 154,565 to 151,168 per million hospitalizations during the study period, a relative decrease of 2.2%.

Source: Scientific Reports, February 7, 2022 -